Social Schmoes Marketing

What We Do For You

We provide social media services at an affordable rate, focusing on non-profits, small and mid-sized businesses. We do not limit our client list, this is simply where we have found the greatest need. Marketing and promotion takes up so much time that small businesses end up not being able to expand or develop new projects due to how much of a commitment marketing is. The Social Schmoes give clients back time to focus on other areas of their business.

Client Review
Someone recommended the Social Schmoes to me after I explained my struggles starting on social media. I had all the platforms I needed but I wasn't sure how to grow it and what to do. The Social Schmoes were clear with their ideas, understanding to my limitations and helped me see changes within the first month of working with them! I highly recommend the Social Schmoes for anyone looking to improve their marketing in Kingston, especially if money is an issue, the Schmoes charge a fair amount and take a MAJOR load off of your shoulders! Thank you Schmoes.
We are able to provide clients with Social Media management, digital marketing services, graphic design and other marketing services. We are located in Kingston, Ontario and we know this community quite well, helping you stand out in a crowded digital world.
Our Services

The basics of what we do:

  • Provide Marketing Services for non-profits, small and mid-sized business in Kingston, Ontario

  • Provide Social Media Management for non-profits, small and mid-sized business in Kingston, Ontario

  • We focus on helping you increase how many people see your posts on social media

  • We show you what is important to know about marketing and social media and what is redundant

  • We are located in Kingston, Ontario and help Kingston based businesses with their social media and general marketing.

  • We take on your marketing and promotion, which frees up your valuable time. Time to work on other projects and focus your energy on other things.

  • We provide you with customized services, tailored to what best suits your business.

Client Review
I found Social Schmoes through a recommendation from a friend of mine. Social Schmoes have been extremely helpful to our organization in managing all our social media needs and exceeding our expectations. We have a strong working collaborative relationship. They understand our vision and are truly dedicated to the process of helping shape our message. They are highly organized and very thoughtful and are always on the ball. They have wonderful insights into how to handle and manage various social media platforms from online to on air.
I highly recommend Mike and Andrew to anyone looking to expand their reach through social media - be it business, community, non for profit. They know what they are doing and we are thankful that they are part of our team.

Andrew Taggart

Andrew Taggart has had his hands in a few industries over the past few years. He’s been in the tourism industry for over 10 years and was critical in the formation of Blue Canoe Productions, a local non profit theatre company, headed by co-schmoe Mike Sheppard. He served as Blue Canoe's General Manager for 5 years, after which he spent 3 years on the board of directors.

Andrew has had several different positions in the tourism industry such as managing the rates and promotions of a hotel. His take on revenue management and promotions brings a unique understanding on selling to customers on varying levels.